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Definiciones: El lenguaje es una facultad propia del ser humano de poderse expresar y comunicar con otras personas a través de sistemas de signos o mediante el sonido. El Derecho es el conjunto de normas que imponen deberes y normas que confieren facultades, que establecen las bases de convivencia social y cuyo fin es dotar…

Social media has been the most useful tool for organized movements to take action by organizing protests and it has been the best way to protest online, but does it really change the law? Protests are a way to change the law Over centuries many countries have faced several changes in their own government and…

By Carlos Emilio Ramírez Sánchez A tweet that made it possible that for a whole day no woman was seen on the streets or at any office, and that no woman worked for that day. How social media made possible a day without women in Mexico? During the first couple of months of 2020 Mexico…